Now your photos are worth gold now!
Do you want to capture perfection in your photographs? Then its time to take advantage of the knowledge from the past to the present with the value of gold. Every picture you take with Fibonaccis Golden Ratio is worth gold!
No matter wherever you use the selfies you took by simply using the numerical proportions of the maths and the arts, it is inevitable that you would be an internet phenomenon.
With the GoldenCam, the most talented eye of the world is in your mobile to use the golden ratio in selfies and other photo shoots.
The photos you take with the golden ratio filters as the secret of the beauty will
professionalize you and make you the master of your camera.
Now you just need to download GoldenCam to see the beauty and artistic aesthetic in each frame.
Catch your frame by choosing from any of different Golden Ratio filter you want!
Now take selfies and enjoy the likes!